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delivery truck artinya

contoh kalimat "delivery truck"
  • I told you about the delivery truck, right?
    Aku tadi sudah membicarakan tentang truk pengantar, ya kan?
  • They had a delivery truck stolen a few days ago.
    Truk pengiriman mereka dicuri beberapa hari lalu.
  • Right, what about the delivery truck driver?
    Benar, bagaimana dengan sopir truk pengiriman?
  • I mean the worst delivery truck that has ever delivered a delivery!
    Maksudku, pengiriman truk terburuk yang pernah dilakukan!
  • She can make a break for the delivery truck.
    Dia bisa menunda pengirimannya!
  • Get this delivery truck out of here.
    Kirimkan truk pengantar barang kemari.
  • There's the delivery truck from the lab.
    Itu truk pengantar dari lab.
  • He drives the delivery truck.
    Dia mengemudi truk pengiriman.
  • Dongfeng 6x6 Army Military Sanitation Water Sprinkler Water Delivery Truck
    Dongfeng 6x6 Tentara Militer Sanitasi Air Penyiram Air Pengiriman Truk
  • 23 Tons Lpg Delivery Truck , Propane Transport Trailer 49.6CBM Capacity
    23 Ton Truk Pengiriman Lpg, Trailer Pengangkut Propana, Kapasitas 49,6CBM
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5